5 Ways to Succeed at Finals
Yes, it’s that time of the semester. This time of year, students often experience the gamut of emotions; excitement, fear, frustration, anxiety, exhaustion, and more. Why? Because, Finals are right around the corner. To calm some of the emotions, students can begin preparing now—and Baylor helps. Here are five ways students can prepare for Finals.
Trish Baum, program manager for academic resources at Baylor’s Center for Academic Success and Engagement (CASE) shares five ways students can prepare now for a successful close to the semester:
1. Make a plan using a Finals packet. Come to the Learning Lab in the west wing basement of Sid Richardson to pick up a Preparing for Finals Packet, or download one here. This packet helps you determine the timing of each of your Finals, what you need to study, how long you need to study, and when to study. In addition to the Finals packet, you can find more information about affective strategies at the Center for Academic Success and Engagement’s Study Strategies page.
2. Sleep. Pulling the notorious ‘all-nighter’ is a very bad idea. Consistent, quality sleep is required to perform at your best level. Lack of sleep affects both long- and short-term memory, concentration, mood, and weakens your immune system. Don’t wait—make sure you’re getting enough sleep now, and plan ahead (the Finals packet mentioned in the first point can help) to manage your time well and get the sleep you need along with effective study time.
3. Healthy Diet. Energy drinks and candy bars are not the secret to success for finals. Although they offer short bursts of energy, you will crash. It is also unhealthy to skip meals. Eating a nutritious breakfast, lunch, and dinner keeps you focused, energized, improves your memory, and boosts your immune system.
4. Exercise. No one can maintain 8 hours of concentration without getting up and moving. By exercising you increase your blood flow which brings oxygen to your brain and makes you more alert and focused. Exercising also boosts your energy level and promotes better sleep. This doesn’t mean go run a marathon—just go walk your dog after a couple of hours of studying or visit the Student Life Center (SLC) to play racquetball, ping pong, climb the rock wall, or any other activities they offer.
5. Visit Baylor’s Counseling Center. If you are feeling overwhelmed and out of control, Baylor University’s Counseling Center can help you sort out those feelings with a variety of services. Visit their website to see everything that is offered.
So, there you have it: five tips and resources to help you through finals. Find your study partner(s), find the study spot(s), and find your support system. The faculty and staff at Baylor are all cheering you on, and staff across campus are here to help. Students, you’ve got this—good luck!