2024 Move-in Parking Lot Closures, Traffic Routes

August 20, 2024

As we prepare for Move2BU, Baylor University will CLOSE some campus parking lots and interior streets on Tuesday and Wednesday. This will impact all of campus, so be prepared for delays, detours and disruptions to normal parking/traffic flow. We appreciate your patience as we welcome new students and their families to campus this week.

OVERVIEW: Parking Lot Closures and Traffic Patterns

Certain campus parking lots will be closed at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 20, and 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 21.

  • All vehicles that have not been moved by 6 p.m. will be towed to the Ferrell Center.
  • It is the owner’s responsibility to confirm any perceived exemption/exception from towing by contacting parking@baylor.edu.

Traffic patterns will change beginning at 7:45 a.m. Wednesday and 7:45 a.m. Thursday.

Parking Lot Closures for Tuesday, Aug. 20 – Wednesday, Aug. 21

The parking lots/slots listed below will close beginning at 6 p.m. Tuesday:

  • Lot 7, 8, 9: Kokernot Hall (from the drive behind Brooks Flats through to Dutton Avenue)
  • Lot 24: (Street Parking) M P Daniel between 5th and 7th streets (flows one way).
  • All street parking on 3rd, 4th and 7th streets
  • Lot 38: Front Drive of North Russell Hall
  • Lot 39: Front Drive of South Russell Hall
  • Lot 52: Wiethorn Undergraduate Center
Parking Lot Closures for Wednesday, Aug. 21, and Thursday, Aug. 22

The parking lots/slots listed below will be closed beginning at 6 p.m. Wednesday:

  • Lot 7, 8, 9: Kokernot Hall (from the drive behind Brooks Flats through to Dutton Avenue)
  • Lot 12: Front lot of Ruth Collins Hall
  • Lot 16: Speight Avenue between 7th and 8th streets (both sides)
  • Lot 20, 21: Martin Hall Parking and the entire Bookstore parking area (first ground level only)
  • Lot 24: (Street Parking) M P Daniel between 5th and 7th streets (flows one way).
  • Baylor Avenue from 7th to 8th streets (both sides)
  • All street parking on 3rd, 4th and 7th streets
  • Lot 31: Penland Hall lot – Near Dutton Avenue
  • Lot 38: Front Drive of North Russell Hall
  • Lot 39: Front Drive of South Russell Hall
Move-in Traffic Pattern Changes

Baylor will redirect traffic patterns from 7:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday to help facilitate the Move-in process. Faculty and staff should plan an alternate route to their destination on both days during the morning hours.

  • All traffic on 5th, 4th and 3rd streets will flow FROM Speight Avenue TOWARD I-35.
  • M P Daniel will flow from 5th to 8th street ONLY on both Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Head-in parking on M P Daniel (next to SUB) is not available during Move2BU.
  • Those needed access to mailboxes in the SUB are urged to wait until after 1 p.m. both days.
  • No left turns from 8th Street onto Speight, M P Daniel or Baylor Avenue either morning.
  • No right turns from Dutton or the I-35 Frontage Road on 5th, 4th or 3rd streets.

More information about Move2BU can be found on the Campus Living & Learning website.