Fall 2016 Mandatory Title IX Trainings

September 30, 2016

As the University continues to cultivate a community of respect and care it is crucial to ensure every student, faculty and staff member at Baylor understands their role in preventing, reporting and supporting any student who encounters sexual violence, sexual harassment, stalking or intimate partner violence. Preventing and remedying sexual misconduct at Baylor is essential to ensuring a safe environment.

A key area of focus this semester is the enhancement and expansion of training for student leaders, incoming students, returning students and all faculty and staff.

Employee Training
Faculty and staff must strive to create a safe and secure environment within which all students can learn and thrive and become the people God has created them to be.

To this end, every faculty and staff member across our campus must complete an online Title IX course. This course builds an awareness of situations in which sexual violence may occur and defines the Title IX Policy and Baylor employees’ responsibilities in reporting and aiding those who experience sexual violence. Human Resources will provide additional information to Baylor faculty and staff when the course becomes available online.

Student Training
This fall, every Baylor student, incoming and returning, is also required to complete an online Title IX course. The course covers healthy relationships, types of abuse and red flags for abusive relationships, consent, rape culture, victim blaming, coercion, bystander intervention, sexual assault aftermath and the role of Title IX.

Students will be unable to register for spring classes until they have completed the course. A registration hold will be in place and will take 24 hours to be lifted upon the completion of the course. Students are encouraged to complete the course before Oct. 28 to avoid any registration complications.

If anyone experiences technical difficulties with the online course, they should contact the ITS Help Desk at 254-710-4357.

For a complete list of recommendations resulting from the external review, visit thefacts.web.baylor.edu/our-progress. As implementation teams enact improvements and changes, this web page will track progress.