Initial Aid Summary

What is it?
For incoming students, think of Baylor’s Initial Aid Summary (or IAS) as a financial aid projection. The information in your IAS is based on your CSS Profile. The final deadline to submit the CSS Profile is February 1. Completing the CSS Profile before this deadline lets you be considered for the maximum amount of aid. The sooner you fill out the CSS Profile, the sooner you’ll receive your IAS. The final deadline for the CSS Profile is February 1; however, if you submit the CSS Profile after the final deadline, you will be considered based on any remaining funding.
Your IAS is based on your completed 2024-2025 CSS Profile application only. It projects what your financial aid offer could be if the same information was used to complete the 2024-2025 FAFSA. The IAS provides an estimated cost of attendance and overall projected amount for each type of aid: grants and scholarships (gift aid), work-study and loans. You can view your IAS under the “Award Offer” tab of the Financial Aid Dashboard in BearWeb. Information that is part of the Initial Aid Summary can be identified by the funds that say “Projected.”
Who is it for?
Incoming students who would like to be considered for financial aid.
When do I get it?
You’ll get your Initial Aid Summary after you submit your CSS Profile. The final deadline to submit the CSS Profile is February 1. The sooner you submit the CSS Profile, the sooner you’ll receive your IAS, and the sooner you’ll learn just how much financial aid you’re projected to receive.
Why do I get it?
Baylor created the IAS in response to the FAFSA’s late arrival for the 2024-2025 school year. You will receive an IAS from Baylor because we know how important financial aid information is when you’re making your final college decision. Very few Baylor students pay the full cost of a Baylor education; more than 90% of students receive financial aid and over 86% receive merit scholarships. We’re committed to helping students achieve their future success through Baylor University — that’s why we want to provide you an IAS. This accurate-as-possible summary will include projected financial aid amounts based on your CSS Profile submission.
A financial aid offer will be sent once the FAFSA is received and processed, and all unsatisfied requirements are resolved. Please note that the Department of Education does not plan to send FAFSA information to universities until late January at the earliest, so our office will not immediately receive your FAFSA after it is submitted.
Who do I contact with questions about this?
The Baylor One Stop office is available Monday-Friday 9am-4pm to discuss any questions. Learn more at